Migration & Refugee in the Women’s Experience
Karat runs the activities for women refugees and migrants who have come to the EU countries in search of safety and work. Currently two projects are being implemented in this area – “The Europe we want?…
Vocational education, labour market and gender
Since 2015 Karat Coalition has focused on the issue of vocational education for girls and their situation on the labour market. Within the framework of national and international initiatives two comprehensive reports, analyzes and presentations were…
Learn about the CEDAW Convention and Optional Protocol
We invite you to our new website dedicated to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol to the Convention. You will find information about the CEDAW Convention…
CAMPAIGN! You can be whoever you want! The profession has no gender
The labour market in Poland is facing the challenge of growing demand for the graduates of vocational schools who are highly qualified in both traditional and advanced technologies. Using the potential of girls by encouraging them…

Career consultations for women migrants and refugees in 2018

3 January 2018

We  invite the female migrants and refugees for the individual career consultations! These are the short meetings with the career counselor and you can get an advice about your career and the opportunities to educate yourself in Poland. The counselor will also help you to prepare for the job interview. 

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Talks about women migrants and refugees in Warsaw

19 December 2017

It’s great to work with people from other countries, learning about the differences as well as seeing how much we have in common. On 11th of December 11 we met with our partners in the project “Women’s Empowerment, Integration and Participation”.

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See our new video clips promoting the idea of no gender in professions

8 December 2017

We are happy to announce that the video clips promoting the campaign “You can be whoever you want! The profession has no gender” have been created. They were mede in cooperation with the Studio “Rzeczy Obrazkowe”. Learn more about the campaign clicking on this link  https://www.karat.org/slider/wiecej-kobiet-meskich-zawodach-dlaczego/

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The Ministries rejected to change the names of professions

20 November 2017

The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy and the Ministry of Education responded to the joint call of Karat Coalition and the Polish Teachers’ Union (ZNP) to include the female grammatical forms  in the names of professions. In our letters to the ministries we stressed that the female gramatical forms would attract women to professions traditionally dominated by men what would be beneficial for women, employers as well as schools.

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I've chosen what I like and I'm well paid!
I don't know who I become when I grow up. But I know that I can be whoever I want!
