
Do członkiń Koalicji KARAT należą: organizacje oraz osoby indywidualne z krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej oraz Azji Środkowej.

Aby zostać członkinią Koalicji KARAT organizacja musi dostarczyć do sekretariatu Koalicji następujące dokumenty:

  • Wypełniony formularz
  • Dwa listy rekomendujące wystawione przez organizacje członkowskie Koalicji KARAT
  • List wyjaśniający dlaczego organizacja chce przystąpić do Koalicji KARAT.

Formularz, list oraz listy rekomendujące powinny zostać dostarczone do sekretariatu Koalicji KARAT:

  •  pocztą na adres: Koalicja KARAT, ul. Walecznych 26/3 03-916 Warszawa, Polska LUB
  • drogą elektroniczną na email: (podpisane i zeskanowane) LUB
  • faxem na numer +48 22 6282003 (podpisane i zeskanowane)

W przypadku pytań proszę pisać na adres: lub zadzwonić tel./fax.: (48) 22 628 20 03


Procedura przyjęcia nowych członkiń:

  • Aplikacje o zostanie organizacją członkowską Koalicji KARAT są rozpatrywane przez zarząd międzynarodowy przynajmniej dwa razy w roku.
  • Zarząd informuje organizację kandydującą o swojej decyzji.
  • Prawa i obowiązki organizacji członkowskiej są opisane w Rozdziale III Statutu Koalicji KARAT.


Members, their rights and obligations
(the extract from the KARAT’s statute)

§ 9

Members of KARAT Coalition are:
1. Organizations as regular members
2. Individual members, women or men.

§ 10

A regular member of KARAT Coalition is any organization that:
1. Agrees with and supports the statutory objectives of KARAT Coalition.
2. Fills a membership registration form and writes an application to the Board.
3. Has at least one year experience in gender equality issues.
4. Operates within the Region.
5. Is recommended in a written form, signed by two members of KARAT Coalition.
6. Is accepted by the Board.

§ 11

Regular members have the right to:
1. Participate, with a decisive vote, in the General Assembly.
2. Elect and be elected member of the bodies of KARAT COALITION. A new member can be elected to the Board after one year upon admission to KARAT COALITION and to the other bodies after six months.
3. Make proposals for the activities of KARAT COALITION. Regular member or group of members or individual member (see para 13, rights of individual member) can propose motion/s concerning KARAT COALITION’s strategy, program and/or activities. The written motion (with short justification) has to be submitted to the Board at least one month before the General Assembly. The motions are voted by the General Assembly.
4. Participate in all activities and projects of KARAT COALITION.

§ 12

Regular members are obliged to:
1. Comply with the Statute and Ethical Code and resolutions passed by the bodies of KARAT Coalition.
2. Actively pursue the mission and objectives of KARAT Coalition.

§ 13

Individual member:
1. A physical person (woman or man) who has extensive history (at least 3 years) of supporting/promoting KARAT COALITION in pursuing its statutory objectives is eligible to become an individual member.
2. Individual membership is accepted by the Board.
3. Any regular KARAT COALITION member can recommend to the Board a candidate for an individual member.
4. An individual member:
– has the advisory voice and all rights of a regular member, except passive and active right of vote,
– can make proposals for the activities of KARAT COALITION (see para 11, point 3),
– can participate in all activities of KARAT COALITION.

§ 14

Membership in KARAT COALITION expires in case of:
1. Voluntary resignation submitted in writing to the Board.
2. Dissolution of a given member organization.
3. Exclusion by decision of the Board, due to a failure to comply with the provisions of the Statute and resolutions passed by the bodies of KARAT COALITION or due to any action that has harmed the work of KARAT COALITION.
A member can appeal to the Board against a decision, which stipulates its exclusion from KARAT COALITION within 30 days. The General Assembly, whose decision shall be final, must consider the appeal.

§ 15

Principles of cooperation within KARAT Coalition Members cooperate on basis of equal partnership as set by the principles of cooperation in the KARAT Coalition’s Ethical Code.